Workflow 🚧[WIP]


Modularize processing patterns into reusable sub-workflow components you can mix, match and templatize.

Workflow Flow

To modularize processing patterns into reusable sub-workflow components, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create Workflow: The user creates a new workflow and defines the processing steps.

  2. Add Component: The user adds a component to the workflow to process data or perform specific tasks.

  3. Add Sub-Workflow: The user adds a sub-workflow to the main workflow to execute a sequence of processing steps.

  4. Execute Sub-Workflow: The WorkflowManager executes the sub-workflow, which consists of multiple components and processing steps.

  5. Process Data: The Component processes the data according to the defined logic or tasks.

  6. Data Processed: The Component returns the processed data to the WorkflowManager for further processing or analysis.

  7. Execute Sub-Workflow: The WorkflowManager executes the sub-workflow again if there are additional processing steps.

  8. Workflow Completed: Once the workflow is completed, the WorkflowManager notifies the user of the completion status.

By modularizing processing patterns into reusable sub-workflow components, you can create flexible and scalable workflows that can be easily customized and extended to suit your specific requirements.

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