
Quickstart Guide

This Guide will help you get started with and quickly build and deploy your first project.

Create Organization and Project

Setup your first organisation and invite your team members to collaborate on projects. Signup

Create your first project and start building your first workflow. Proejct

Project Setup

Add Data Sources, Models, and Apps to your project to that you will need for your first workflow.


Add model - Review and select from a variety of AI models to find the best fit for your application.


Add Apps and Data Sources to your project to connect with your workflows. Apps

Create Workflows


Workflow Steps

  1. Drag Trigger node that will initiate the workflow and connect it to the rest of the nodes.
  2. Drag other nodes to the canvas and connect them to create your first workflow.
  3. Drag a response nodes that will send the output of the workflow to the user.

Alternative template

Paste the below code in your workflow config.

This is a basic workflow of an AI idea generator.

    "nodes": [
    "id": "1",
    "data": {
    "trigger": "graphqlNode_0gnka1xu15"
    "type": "groupTriggerNode",
    "width": 240,
    "height": 120,
    "position": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "id": "graphqlNode_0gnka1xu15",
    "data": {
    "modes": {},
    "nodeId": "graphqlNode",
    "values": {
    "nodeName": "Graphql",
    "responeType": "realtime",
    "advance_schema": "{\n    \"Campany\": \"string\"\n}"
    "type": "newTriggerNode",
    "width": 200,
    "extent": "parent",
    "height": 64,
    "parentId": "1",
    "position": {
    "x": 20,
    "y": 45
    "selected": false,
    "draggable": false
    "id": "LLMNode_gh2ewaejny",
    "data": {
    "label": "dynamicNode node",
    "modes": {},
    "nodeId": "LLMNode",
    "values": {
    "nodeName": "Text Generate",
    "promptTemplate": "Generate an AI business idea for this given business in 1 one sentence and dont use markdown:\n{{graphqlNode_0gnka1xu15.output.Campany}}",
    "generativeModelName": "Gpt-4o Lamatic"
    "type": "dynamicNode",
    "width": 240,
    "height": 66,
    "dragging": false,
    "position": {
    "x": -1.4285714285714448,
    "y": 237.1428571428572
    "selected": false,
    "positionAbsolute": {
    "x": -1.4285714285714448,
    "y": 237.1428571428572
    "id": "graphqlResponseNode_l24otakt05",
    "data": {
    "label": "dynamicNode node",
    "modes": {},
    "nodeId": "graphqlResponseNode",
    "values": {
    "outputMapping": "{\n    \"Idea\": \"{{LLMNode_gh2ewaejny.output}}\",\n    \"Logo\": \"{{ImageGenNode_lljetcy5c.output}}\"\n}"
    "type": "dynamicNode",
    "width": 240,
    "height": 66,
    "dragging": false,
    "position": {
    "x": 0.7142857142857224,
    "y": 417.1428571428572
    "selected": true,
    "positionAbsolute": {
    "x": 0.7142857142857224,
    "y": 417.1428571428572
    "edges": [
    "id": "reactflow__edge-1-LLMNode_gh2ewaejny",
    "type": "CustomAddEdge",
    "source": "1",
    "target": "LLMNode_gh2ewaejny",
    "sourceHandle": null,
    "targetHandle": null
    "id": "reactflow__edge-LLMNode_gh2ewaejny-graphqlResponseNode_l24otakt05",
    "type": "CustomAddEdge",
    "source": "LLMNode_gh2ewaejny",
    "target": "graphqlResponseNode_l24otakt05",
    "sourceHandle": null,
    "targetHandle": null

Test and Deploy

Test your workflow by adding a custom payload based on your schema. Test When ready hit the deploy button. This will compile the workflow and deploy it on the edge.


See the API Docs to integrate your workflow with your application.

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