

Nodes are the fundamental building blocks of a flow in Lamatic. Each node serves a specific purpose, acting as a self-contained unit that processes input and produces output. This modular approach allows users to create complex flows by interconnecting various nodes.

Node Categories

Lamatic organizes nodes into four main categories, each with a unique function in building flows:

AppsIntegrate third-party applications into workflowSlack, PostgreSQL, Google SheetsThese nodes act as bridges, enabling data exchange and action execution between Lamatic and external services.
AIPerform artificial intelligence operationsVector operations, text generation, natural language understandingAI nodes use machine learning models to process and analyze data, allowing for tasks such as sentiment analysis, text classification, or content generation.
DataManipulate and transform dataIndexing, chunking, filteringData nodes provide tools for structuring, organizing, and processing information, ensuring data is in the right format for subsequent nodes.
LogicControl the flow of executionConditional statements, loops, custom code executionLogic nodes allow for decision-making and branching, enabling dynamic, responsive flow based on specific conditions or criteria.

Here are the Nodes

AIText LLM NodeThe Text LLM node allows users to programmatically generate text outputs by submitting prompts to selected LLMs.View
AIJSON Generate NodeThe JSON Generate node is used to produce structured JSON outputs from language model (LLM) prompts.View
AIRAG NodeThe RAG Node generates more relevant responses from a Language Learning Model (LLM) by using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).View
AIAgent Classifier NodeThe Agent Classifier Node categorizes and routes input data based on predefined classification criteriaView
AIImage Gen NodeThe Image Generator node creates image outputs programmatically that can be integrated into flow.View
AIMultimodal Text NodeThe Multimodal Node returns textual output from selected large language models (LLMs).View
AppScraper NodeYou can use Firecrawl with the Crawl node to systematically browse and index websites.View
AppCrawler NodeYou can use Firecrawl with the Crawl node to systematically browse and index websites.View
DataExtract from File NodeThe Extract from File node enables parsing and extraction of data from various file formats including CSV, JSON, Text, HTML, PDF, DOCX, and XLSX.View
DataHybrid Search NodeThe Hybrid Search node provides the ability to embed a vector search of a connected vector database within a Lamatic flow.View
DataKeyword Search NodeThe Keyword Search Node is designed to search for specific keywords within a Vector Database.View
DataVector Search NodeVector search Node provides the ability to retrieve information where documents and queries are represented as vectors instead of plain text.View
DataAPI NodeThe API Node empowers users to external REST APIs seamlessly into their flow.View
DataChunking NodeThe Chunking node is a tool designed to parse data into manageable chunks to facilitate vectorization and semantic retrieval. By breaking text into smaller, logical units, it prepares the data for more efficient processing and analysis.View
DataMemory Add NodeThe Memory Add Node enables storing and managing contextual information for users and sessions, allowing for persistent data storage within flowView
DataMemory Retrieve NodeThe Memory Retrieve Node enables searching and retrieving stored memories from collections using semantic search and filtering capabilitiesView
DataVectorize NodeThe vectorize node transforms data chunks into numeric vector representations using an embedding model.View
DataIndex NodeThe Index node inserts records into a vector database, enabling fast semantic retrieval.View
LogicCode NodeThe JavaScript Code Node empowers users to integrate custom logic seamlessly into their flow.View
LogicCondition NodeThe Condition Node allows users to integrate custom logic into their flow with ease.View
LogicExecute Flow NodeThe Execute Flow in Lamatic enables execution of other flows within your current workflow, facilitating modular and reusable flow designs.View
LogicLoop NodeThe Loop Node enables iteration over a range of values or a list, allowing repeated execution of processes within a workflowView
LogicBranch NodeThe branch node enables the execution of multiple nodes in parallel, allowing actions to run simultaneously instead of one after the other.View
OtherSupervisor NodeThe Supervisor Node orchestrates multi-agent flow by collecting input, maintaining memory, and coordinating execution paths.View

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